Titre : | Membre accrédité, Département de pharmacologie et physiologie, Faculté de médecine
Professeur titulaire, Département de néonatalogie, Faculté de médecine Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada |
Adresse : | Hôpital Sainte-Justine 3175, chemin de la Côte Sainte-Catherine Montréal (Québec) H3T 1C5 |
Téléphone : | 514 345-4692 |
Télécopieur : | 514 345-4801 |
Courriel : | sylvain.chemtob@umontreal.ca |
- Médecine, Université de Montréal, 1980
- M.D. Pédiatrie et Néonatologie, 1985
- FRCPC, CSPQ, FAAP, Ph.D. en pharmacologie, McGill University, 1989
Thèmes de recherche
- Identification, characterization and signaling of nuclear transmembrane receptors
- Prostaglandin receptor interactions: implications for signaling
- PAR-2 and mitogenesis
- CD36 in macular degeneration
- GPR91 and GPR99 – receptors of metabolic intermediates – involvement in vascular plasticity
- Choroidal degeneration in ischemic retinopathies – role for GPR40
- Retinal functional impact of ischemic retinopathies
- Mode of actions of isofurans, trans-arachidonic acids and nitro-eicosanoids
- Mechanisms of trans-fat-induced cytotoxicity
- Inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the genesis of macular degeneration and ischemic retinopathies and encephalopathies
- Development of allosteric modulators to transmembrane receptors
- Role of neurons-astrocytes-microglial interactions in vascular modeling
Membre du laboratoire
- Michel Cameron : étudiant au PhD (Pharmacologie – UdeM) (co-direction)
- Allison Dorfman : étudiant PhD (Pharmacologie – McGill U)
- Mikleil Djavari : étudiant à la M. Sc. (Pharmacologie – UdeM)
- David Hamel: étudiant PhD (Pharmacologie – U Montréal – HSJ)
- Jean-Sébastien Joyal : étudiant PhD (Pharmacologie – McGill U – IRSC)
- Martin Leduc: étudiant PhD (Biochimie – U Montréal – FCMC)
- Satra Nim : étudiant PhD (Pharmacologie – McGill U – IRSC)
- Christiane Quiniou : étudiant PhD (Biochimie – U Montréal – FCMC)
- Zhuo Shao : étudiant PhD (Pharmacologie – McGill U – HSJ)
- Carlos Rivera : Post-doctorant (IRSC/FCMC)
- Jean-Claude Honoré : Post-doctorant (IRSC/FCMC)
- Mike Sapieha : Post-doctorant (IRSC/FCMC)
- Yuhong Wei : Post-doctorant Karine Zaniolo : Post-doctorant (FFB)
- Xin Hou : Associé de recherche
- Tang Zhu : Associé de recherche
- Kermorvant-Duchemin E, Sennlaub F, Sirinyan M, Kooli E, Brault S, Ong H, d’Orleans-Juste P, Gobeil Jr F, Andelfinger G, Zhu T, Boisvert C, Hardy P, Balazy M, Chemtob S. Trans-arachidonic acids generated during nitrosative stress induce microvascular degeneration. Nature Medicine 11:1339-1345, 2005
- Gobeil F Jr, Zhu T, Brault S, Geha A, Vazquez-Tello A, Fortier A, Barbaz D, Checchin D, Hou X, Nader M, Bkaily G, Gratton J-P, Heveker N, Ribeiro-da-Silva A, Peri K, Bard H, Chorvatova A, d’Orleans-Juste P, Goetzl EJ, Chemtob S. Nitric oxide signaling via nuclearized eNOS modulates expression of the immediate early genes iNOS and mPGES-1. J Biol Chem, 281:16058-16067, 2006
- Zhu T, Sennlaub F, Beauchamp M, Fan L, Joyal J-S, Checchin D, Nim S, Lachapelle P, Sirinyan M, Bossalesco M, Rivard G-E, Heveker N, Chemtob S. Protease-activated receptor-2-induced angiogenesis: a sequential TNFa- and tie-2-dependent process.Aterioscl, Thromb, Vasc Biol 26:744-750, 2006
- Combadiere C, Feumi C, Raoul W, Keller N, Pezard A, Houssier M, Jonet L, Rodéro M, Debré P, Sirinyan M, Deterre P, Ferroukhi T, Cohen S-Y, Chauvaud D, Jeanny JC,Chemtob S, Behar-Cohen F and Sennlaub F. CX3CR1-dependent subretinal microglia cells accumulation leads to cardinal features of age-related macular degeneration. J Clin Investig 117:2920-2928, 2007
- Houssier M, Raoul W, Keller N, Guilloneau X, Baragatti B, Jonet L, Jeanny J-C, Behar-Cohen F, Coceani F, Sherman D, Lachapelle P, Ong H, Chemtob S, Sennlaub F. CD36 deficiency leads to choroidal involution via COX-2 downregulation. PLoS Medicine5:e39 [1-8], 2008
- Quiniou C, Sapieha P, Lahaie I, Hou X, Brault S, Beauchamp M, Leduc M, Rihakova L, Joyal JS, Nadeau S, Heveker N, Lubell W, Sennlaub F, Gobeil F Jr, Miller G, Pshezhetsky AV, Chemtob S. Characterization of a novel noncompetitive antagonist of IL-1 receptor. J Immunol 180:6977-6987, 2008
- Sapieha P, Sirinyan M, Hamel D, Zaniolo K, Cho JH, Joyal JS, Honoré JC, Kermorvant-Duchemin E, Varma DR, Tremblay S, Lachapelle P, Leduc M, Rihakova L, Hardy P, Klein WH, Mu X, Mamer O, Di Polo A, Beausejour C, Mitchell G, Andelfinger G, Sennlaub F and Chemtob S. The succinate receptor GPR91 in neurons plays a major role in retinal angiogenesis. Nature Medicine 14:1067-76, 2008