À tous les professeurs, étudiants et partenaires du Département de pharmacologie et physiologie,
Vous êtes cordialement invités aux conférences scientifiques du Département de pharmacologie et physiologie qui ont lieu les jeudis, de 13 h à 14 h.
Vous pouvez consulter l’horaire à l’adresse suivante :
Prochaine conférence : Jeudi 18 novembre à 13 h
Conférencière: Judith Mandl, PhD.,
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Canada Research Chair in Immune Cell Dynamics, McGill University Research Centre on Complex Traits (MRCCT), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University
Titre : Peering at the Ecology of T Cells Through a Cell Migration LensRésumé:
T cells, important effector cells of the immune system, are highly dynamic cells in both space and time. The Mandl lab is particularly interested in explaining immune cell population heterogeneity in behaviour and function, using a variety of methods to perturb immune cell migration in particular to learn from unexpected outcomes. They aim to provide new tools to prevent T cells survival in specific tissues where they are causing disease (autoimmunity, allergies, transplantation), or to increase their mobility in challenging, crowded microenvironments such as tumours.
Local 1120, pavillon Paul-G.-Desmarais et en mode ZOOM : https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/96295528693?pwd=Z3FOb1RrWlFBK1hwQ2FjK2F5bEp6QT09
ID de réunion : 962 9552 8693
Code secret : 662711
Responsable : Sébastien Talbot