Conférences du Département de pharmacologie et physiologie

Heure : 9h à 10h
Lieu : Pavillon Roger-Gaudry, Salle N-425-3
Adresse : 2900, boul. Edouard-Montpetit

Biophotonic tools for intracellular delivery and eye surgery innovation

Biophotonic tools enable tissue imaging and minimally invasive interventions with subcellular precision. Two novel biophotonic techniques will be presented, along with their implications in a) intracellular delivery, b) targeted intraocular drug delivery, and c) intra-operative guidance of eye surgery.

Conférencier invité :

    Christos Boutopoulos, Ph.D.
    Professeur/chercheur adjoint
    Département d’ophtalmologie
    Université de Montréal